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Account Director – Corporate & Campaigns


Practice Area: Corporate

Location: London

We are looking for an Account Director to join our Corporate and Campaigns team in London, who can thrive in an innovative and fast-growing agency and has an interest in one of our key specialisms: Financial Services, Real Estate & Construction and Healthcare & Life Sciences.

This is a unique opportunity to join one of the UK’s largest and most respected business communications consultancies. The team is rapidly expanding following a raft of new wins in recent months and is looking for motivated PR professionals to join and help drive forward opportunities for new and current clients.

In the role you will have the opportunity to set the strategy for a range of organisations from fast-growth firms to major global brands. You will be expected to deliver multifaceted campaigns, working in partnership with our Public Policy and Capital Markets practices, as well as our Film & Motion team.

The Account Director must have a good working relationship with clients, acting as the point person on the day-to-day running of accounts. They must have excellent media handling skills, a track record in delivering against strategic briefs and the ability to deliver high impact campaigns.

At Instinctif Partners and Truth we promote a working environment in which diversity is recognised, valued and encouraged. We acknowledge the multicultural and diverse nature of the UK workforce and society in general.

We are committed to principles of fairness and mutual respect. We particularly welcome applicants from those who are significantly underrepresented in our sector.Apply for the job

Nothing that ticks your boxes?

We’re always on the hunt for new talent. Please take a look at our latest opportunities. If there is not something that suits you, we’d still love to hear from you.

Please submit your CV and a cover letter to us on: careers@instinctif.com

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