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Instinctif Partners

Instinctif Partners supports initiative to provide PPE in Covid-19 crisis

Instinctif Partners supports initiative to provide PPE in Covid-19 crisis

Instinctif Partners’ Healthcare & Life Sciences team are providing pro-bono support to a manufacturer of reusable face masks, which are supplied to frontline healthcare workers in the UK free of charge.

With a global personal protective equipment (PPE) shortage and an estimated 60 million single-use face masks required every week by the NHS in the UK, there is an urgent need to rapidly develop more sustainable solutions. The challenge is not just in providing masks on an ongoing basis, but the environmental impact of transporting and disposing of this staggering number of masks.

An innovative med-tech company, Xkelet, has designed a 3D-printable reusable face mask that can be manufactured in the UK. They have donated the intellectual property and contributed costs for the XKmask to undergo accelerated regulatory approval – making it certified safe for doctors and nurse to use. They are looking for funds to buy and run the medical-grade 3D printers needed for manufacture. You can find out more, and donate here.

The UK Healthcare & Life Sciences team has acquired unique experience of the Covid-19 crisis from the frontline, supporting a wide range of companies that are providing direct support to the UK Government’s pandemic response. Find out more about what we have been doing here.

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