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We launched Aviva’s ‘Age of Ambiguity’ campaign

شؤون الشركات الأفلام والرسوم المتحركة
We launched Aviva’s ‘Age of Ambiguity’ campaign

Aviva wanted to showcase its workplace proposition spanning savings and retirement, employee benefits, health and wellbeing to corporate clients and individuals.

We developed and launched a four-phase campaign exploring the “Age of Ambiguity”, positioning Aviva as a source of expert insight and practical solutions to address the impact of change and uncertainty on UK businesses and employees.

At its peak, the campaign was the biggest driver of positive sentiment towards the Aviva brand across its global business, supporting conversations with Aviva’s employer client base and winning third party endorsements from commentators and trade unions.

Age of Ambiguity secured the Thought Leadership Award at the European Pensions Awards and was named Educational and Thought Leadership Initiative of the Year at the Professional Pensions UK Pensions Awards.

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