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Supporting a fintech to reimagine banking and secure growth finance

شؤون الشركات
Supporting a fintech to reimagine banking and secure growth finance

We partnered with Sparkle to craft a compelling corporate narrative and investor messaging, elevating its stature as a leading advocate for digital adoption and financial inclusion in Nigeria.

By meticulously mapping Sparkle’s online audiences, we facilitated tier-one media interviews, securing prominent features in CNBC, Financial Times, Bloomberg, Reuters, TechCrunch, and The Wall Street Journal, complemented by comprehensive regional and trade coverage.

Through our collaboration, Sparkle triumphantly concluded a $3.1 million seed round. This pivotal milestone serves as a catalyst for expanding its customer base and introducing innovative features, propelling the business towards exponential growth.

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    * قم بتحميل سيرتك المهنية وأي مستندات داعمة أخرى أنواع الملفات المدعومة: doc، docx، pdf، rtf، txt. (الحجم الأقصى: 6 ميجابايت)

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      الخانات التي تحمل علامة * يجب ملؤها

      الاسم *

        :كيف يمكننا المساعدة؟ تواصل معنا عبر تعبئة الاستمارة أدناه، أو من خلال التالي

        Email: middleeast@instinctif.com

        Phone: +971 4 369 9353

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