Do you know a trailblazer?
The Instinctif Partners Engagement Practice has grown a large community of future leaders in employee engagement called Trailblazers. Trailblazers must be nominated by someone in the field, hold an internal role and be passionate about elevating employee engagement. The benefits to joining are:
- Consistent series of engaging and interactive learning events
- Access to expert speakers and the latest thinking in employee engagement
- Opportunities to share best practice with fellow Trailblazers
- Bespoke social media platform for keeping up with latest news
- Exclusive podcast series (coming soon)
- Fun and stimulating professional development
Could you recommend an outstanding person who works for you now or has worked with you in the past, who you think would be a good addition to our community? Please provide their name, title, organisation, email address and reason for nomination. We will mention that you have put their name forward unless you request otherwise.
There are Trailblazers from Lloyds Banking Group, Direct Line Group, AXA, Bank of Ireland, Barclays, Rolls-Royce, Coach, Unilever, IHG, BT, Network Rail, GSK and John Lewis to name a few. Our next event on 19 July will be a Wildgoose experience, created exclusively for the Trailblazer community and not to be missed.
If you would like to nominate someone, get in touch below.